There’s so much beauty advice and information out there that it can get difficult to separate fact from fiction. Here are a few beauty myths currently doing the rounds you shouldn’t take too seriously.
’Age spots are simply a fact of getting older’
Actually these brown, freckle-like skin discolorations are not purely down to age. They can result from years of over-exposure to the sun. In order to treat what is known as hyper-pigmentation you can use Dead Sea Premier’s Pearl Whitening Cream. It can effectively lighten skin by preventing it from producing too much melanin.
‘You’ll outgrow acne’
People in their 20s to 50s plus can still suffer from this distressing condition, with the principles behind its treatment just the same as for teenagers. Even if you had clear skin as a teenager there’s no guarantee you won’t get acne later on in life, maybe during the menopause. Acne is linked to hormones, and women’s hormones tend to fluctuate throughout their life, while men’s tend to stabilize. If you do suffer a break out then use a gentle cleanser such as Dead Sea Premier’s SUPREME Cleansing Foam and use a mask that specifically targets problem skin.
‘Make-up causes break outs’
There’s no research linking make-up to acne. Some women experience breakouts after using some products, which could be the result of an irritant or random skin reaction to a particular ingredient.
‘You skin adapts to products so they’ll eventually stop working’
Your skin will not adapt to a beauty product any more than your body will to a healthy diet. Spinach and grapes are always going to be good for you, and you can eat them every day. Similarly if you find skin products that work for you they will continue to do so for the long term.