Don’t Let Your Eyes Ruin Your Day
Ever looked in the mirror to find your eyes have bags that could carry the shopping? Then you’re not alone. Bags beneath the eyes are something most of us encounter from time to time especially if we haven’t had enough sleep. However it’s not just a night on the tiles which will guarantee you puffy peepers, there are a number of reasons you could be sporting this look. This includes allergies, stress, diet and the ageing process. Even our genetic make-up can be to blame for our eye-bags.
Swelling around the eyes indicates that there’s an excess of fluid, or ‘edema’, in the skin tissue - and since the skin around the eyes is so thin, any swelling or discoloration will be quite prominent. When it comes to aging the reason our eyes look puffy is due to the thinning of the membrane that holds back fat in both upper and lower eyelids. As this membrane or ‘septum’ thins, the fat tends to push forward, forming eye bags under the eyes.
There’s also a reason we tend to get puffy eyes in the morning and it’s because during the night we don’t blink. You can think of blinking for eyes as kind of like walking for legs. When our legs don’t get any exercise we may experience some swelling in the lower extremities. As soon as our legs start to walk again the trapped fluids are released back into the circulation and the swelling goes away. Similarly when the eyes are in a non-blinking state during sleep eyelids can swell – but when you’ve been awake and blinking the swelling tends to diminish within a few hours.
There is a quick way to send your eye bags packing
If you need a quick way to diminish those bags there are a number of things you can do including turning to certain home remedies. Many people swear that placing cucumber slices on the eyes for several minutes, or even cold tea bags is a great fix. Dead Sea Premier also have several products which can help firm and rejuvenate the skin around the eyes. The unique Liposome Complex oil free eye serum helps to lift the skin and reduce wrinkles, restoring skin tone, while the eye cream contains Dead Sea minerals and other ingredients which will hydrate the skin around the eyes, and reduce puffiness.